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Dental Services

A brief explanation of some of the treatments we provide.

Dental Services: Services

Dental Filling

A filling is simply something that the dentists put onto or into your teeth to restore a hole due to tooth decay or return a chipped tooth to its normal shape.
There are three types of basic material we use: two are white- they are called composite and glass ionomer cement and one is silver, (the one that most of you will be familiar with) is called amalgam.

Dental Check-Up

Regular check ups are recommended in order to screen the mouth for  various forms of oral and dental disease. Children can also be checked for potential orthodontic (teeth straightening) problems that might be developing.


A mouth guard is a soft plastic device worn during sporting activities to protect your teeth and gums from injury. Mouth guards are needed in any sport where you might get a deliberate or accidental injury to your face, teeth and jaws. Obviously this is more likely in certain sports than others. They need to be worn not just during games but also during training whenever there is a chance of getting a bang to the face. A relatively small investment can protect such an important thing- your smile. Ask yourself… Is it worth the risk?

Root Canal

A root canal involves taking out the nerve of a tooth, cleaning and shaping the canal space and then filling it up to prevent bacteria from getting back into the root system.
The purpose of this is to allow a tooth, without a living nerve, to remain in the mouth without pain for chewing and for cosmetic reasons. Some dentists prefer all root canals to be completed by specialists, others will do the majority themselves and only refer more difficult cases and complications.

Dental Extractions

An extraction (as most of you will know) is the process of removing a tooth from your mouth. It is often referred to as ‘pulling a tooth’. Next to fillings and cleaning it is one of the commonest procedures performed by dentists. However most dentists  would prefer to try save a tooth if possible and extractions are usually a last resort. They are also sometimes needed in cases where braces are being fitted due to overcrowding.
Once a tooth is removed there is no going back, so it is important to consider the alternatives and what you intend to do with the space.

Dental Crown

A dental crown is a tooth shaped covering that sits completely over your tooth (or an implant), right down to the gum line. It acts as a protection  against the forces of chewing, protecting the tooth underneath and improving its appearance; giving it back the size, shape and colour to allow you to chew properly. Teeth that are heavily filled are more likely to break or fail and need larger fillings. This cycle of filling teeth continues until a crown becomes a better treatment option thus protecting what tooth you have remaining.

Teeth Cleaning / Gum Disease

The main cause of gum disease is plaque. The aim of treatment is to remove this plaque and prevent it from returning. Your prognosis, treatment success, and ultimately keeping your teeth will all depend upon your ability to do this via regular teeth cleaning and good at home care. More advanced cases of Gum Disease may require multiple cleaning visits and longer term maintenance to control disease.

Fissure Sealants

A dental sealant (or fissure sealant) is a treatment that seals the patterns on the tops of your back teeth to help protect them. The biting surfaces of your back teeth contain a complex pattern of pits and fissures. If the pattern is quite simple and shallow and you are able to keep it clean easily with your toothbrush, then a sealant is not generally needed. They are generally placed in children and teenagers, not on baby teeth - Not every child needs sealants but your dentist can assess the need based on factors such as decay history, plaque control , tooth shape

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening lightens teeth and helps to remove stains and discoloration. Whitening is among the most popular cosmetic dental procedures because it can greatly improve how your teeth look. Teaming up with your dentist is the best way to get the whitening results you want.  Whitening is unlikely to cause serious side effects, although some people's teeth may become more sensitive for a short while. You may get mild gum irritation as well. Women should not have their teeth whitened while pregnant.  It should be noted not all teeth whitening products are created equal ! I have used opalescence products for over 15 years and have found it very effective while usually producing minimal sensitivity.

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a way to replace a missing tooth or teeth.  It is a fixed option for replacing the space  meaning it stays permanently in your mouth. Dental bridges literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. There are different designs and types of bridge  but essentially they all use the teeth either side to hold a pontic (prosthetic tooth ) in the gap to restore your smile and bite.

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